With the help of funds raised at the Beach Ball and through generous contribution by donors and supporters, the BBH Schools Foundation funds classroom enrichment grants to district teachers to foster creative, innovative teaching. Projects funded (in full or in part) in the 2016-20167 school year include:
Healthy Habitat Habits by Beth Adams (Highland) – use of worm composting and ant farms to study habitats, decomposition and to foster healthy eating amongst elementary students.
“Owl” Get You My Pretty! by Kathy Auble (Central) – to explore the ecology of food webs and the role of predators with students through the Birds of Prey exhibit and program from the Medina Raptor Center.
We Wobble, Wobble, Wobble to Help Us Learn by Michelle Gagne (Hilton) – to increase strength, stamina and focus in the classroom in an engaging 21st Century learning space with wobble chairs.
Sensational Stand Up Desks by Karen Graham (Hilton) – to foster attention and on-task behavior, to promote collaboration, and to increase activity in the classroom with stand up desks.
comfortable and ada TABLE in 2nd Grade by Stephanie Knodel (Hilton) - to encourage students to be focused, engaged and comfortable by creating a creative learning environment for elementary students.
*Mobile 3D Printer by Ryan Goubeaux (High School) – a mobile 3D printer and cart will allow more students to engage in innovation, the design process and use of modern technology.
MS Band by Scott Hanna (Middle School) – instruction from local musical professionals on a regular basis in a small-group setting will help students to advance individual and collective musicianship, leadership and achievement.
*We Do MORE with LEGOs in the Makerspace! by Morgan Kolis (Highland) – to encourage more elementary students to participate in the design process and robotics with LEGO WeDo kits in the school MakerSpace.
Star Struck Robotics by Craig Kowatch (High School) – to engage students in development of 21st Century skills through design and operation of VEX robotics in a competitive challenge environment.
Getting Ready for the Adult World by Ryan Logan and Susan Folta (High School) – to prepare special education students for apartment living and the world of work by creating a realistic environment for life skills development and training.
Programming: A New Language Class at BBHMS by Ryan MacRaild (Middle School) – to develop a comprehensive computer technology course and provide materials for students to code, troubleshoot and problem solve with electronics.
Research: Clean and Neat by Cathy McKelvey (Chippewa) – to make research more accessible to students in a safe, user-friendly way for elementary students using specialized software on computer notebooks and tablets.
Enhancing Musicianship Through Creativity and Collaboration by Jennifer O’Neal (Middle School) – to develop improvisation skills and strengthen creativity by interactions with professional artists through Christian Howe’s Creative Strings Academy.
Where in the School is Breezy? By Alyson Robertson (High School and Middle School) – to support socialization through student-animal interaction with the dog Breezy with specific classes and events.
Accommodating the Wiggles by Maria Schneider (Middle School) – to promote students’ focus and activity in the health classroom through sit/stand desks and/or balance ball chairs.
Kids Love Musicals by Corey Shingleton with A. Mahoney, K. Taylor, R. Logan, S. Folta, D. Beach, J. Sidaway, B. Schohl & D. Corrigan (Highland, Middle School, High School) - to engage special education students in imaginative thinking, collaborative problem solving and multi-step processes through participation in The Musical Theater Project.
Story Starters for Reluctant Writers by Sharon Wiesler (Highland) – to entice learners with engaging LEGO Education StoryStarter models to make the writing process more appealing with a focus on Title I Reading Intervention.
*Upgrading and Innovating MS Percussion by Jason Wyse (Middle School) – to help the BBHMS band program to purchase new percussion instruments that will allow for the creation of an 8th Grade Percussion Ensemble.
21st Century Sketchbooks by Andrew Hansen (Middle School) – to apply modern day technology to the visual arts program by providing iPads and applications to be used as research tools, sketchbooks and for production of final works of art.
* To be highlighted in the “Fund a Need” portion of our Sip and Support fundraiser, March 4th, 2017. Join us and donate to help fund these projects fully.