Congratulations to the 2023 Scholarship Recipients.
The Faulhaber Family Memorial Scholarship – Jake Banks
Sara Glosik Memorial Scholarship – Esther Sung
David J. Keen Memorial Percussion Scholarship – Colin Johnson
Daniel Kos Memorial Scholarship – Elianna Gamboa
William Moskal Memorial Scholarship – William Chen
Toni Rubey Memorial Scholarship – Leah Spacek
Bret Scanlon Memorial Scholarship – Benjamin Meisenbach
John Smith Memorial Scholarship – Isabelle Czaikowski
Jack Studley Memorial Scholarship – Anthony Defranco
Steve Vargo Memorial Scholarship – Emma Caputo
Faye White Memorial Scholarship – Elyssa Loede
Philip G. Hastings Memorial Scholarship – Cooper Skruck
Stanley and Catherine Zajac Memorial Scholarship – Maddux Dasenbrook
Memorial Endowment Scholarship – Anna Moawad
Memorial Endowment Scholarship – Stephanie Myers
Memorial Endowment Scholarship – Kai Sustersic
Memorial Endowment Scholarship – Andrew Zabkar
The Mills Family Scholarship – Marina Hanna
Bette and Thomas Calevich Memorial Scholarship – Diana Ghanem
Walter F. Wisnieski Memorial Scholarship – Zachary Zywiec
Kimberly Brocklehurst Memorial Scholarship – Samantha Kuscevic
Friends of the Brecksville Bicentennial Scholarship – Isabelle Czajkowski
Class of 1972 Scholarship – Stacy Schniegenberg
Class of 2001 Scholarship – James Patrick
The Spann Family Scholarship – Esther Sung
The Spann Family Scholarship – John Eckert
The BBH Schools Foundation/Brecksville Chamber of Commerce Trade School Scholarship – Casey Lloyd
BBH Schools Foundation Scholarship:
Nathan Arens, Rocco Ardo, Sabrina Battaglia, Greta Bender, Keroles Beshay, Hannah Chrisopulos, Shatha Damra, William Edlind, Nicholas Fishman, Alexander Flis, Chase Garito, Kristen Griffiths, Nicholas Harding, Rowan Hauer, Ryan Joseph, Valerie Munshower, Olivia O’Neil, Evgenia Panagiotou, Christine Rossello, Miranda Roth, Molly Ryan, Anna Shanofski, Ian Spieth, Allison Voita, Jakob Wolfenbarger
The Brecksville-Broadview Heights Schools Foundation offers a perfect opportunity to honor or remember a loved one through its named funds program.
These funds provide scholarships and awards to students in the district. Some of the awards are provided by the proceeds from the endowed funds and others are made available as a result of the Foundation’s successful fundraising efforts. The recipients are chosen by members of the district’s faculty and staff (not the Foundation). At the high school, all students who complete the Guidance Department’s general scholarship application form are eligible to be considered for Foundation scholarships and awards.